Baby Chicks and a New Brooder

April 24, 2015 2 Comments

Just a quick note to say that eleven chicks hatched out of 22 eggs.  Not great, but not too bad either.  Most of the ones that hatched are purebred Ameraucanas.  They lay beautiful bluish-green eggs.  Mike has made an Ohio brooder for them so that they can regulate their own temperature.  We always like to try and do things as natural as possible and because the brooder is raised off the ground, the chicks can come and go as they please.  There is also less risk of piling because there are no corners to pile in!

2 thoughts on “Baby Chicks and a New Brooder”

    1. I can’t imagine how I approved this and don’t remember, I blame lack of sleep. As you know since we have talked since, we either hatch our own chicks or buy them through the local feed store. Your eggs are going in the incubator probably next month. I hope : )

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